Moments & Milestones
A timeline of Nouns DAO's major milestones and noteworthy moments that have happened since the project's inception. Click the button to suggest an event that should be added.
Initial Drafts
Gremplin & 4156 look at the first sketches on which path to take for the art.

The first published instance of the Nouns glasses. The ''eraser guy'' was dubbed Protonoun.

Nounish Design
The rough Noun aesthetics were decided upon and it was time to iterate & polish.

Glasses & Body Done
The rough Noun aesthetics were decided upon and it was time to iterate & polish.

Digitally Rare Pod
4156 appears on the podcast, Digitally Rare to discuss the project.

First Extension Project
Noun GAN Study by VanArman, based off the Rinkeby Nouns, releases on OpenSea.

Project Launch
The experiment called Nouns begins and Xaix wins Auction #1 for 613.37 ETH.

Noun Fractionalized
Noun 11 was bought by PartDAO and became the first fractionalized Noun.

First proposal passes
The DAO's first proposal, 'Donate 5 ETH each to 6 Charities', passes

First Auction Fork
The extension project, Alt Nouns, forked the distribution mechanism.

Small Grants Committee
Prop 13 passes and the 'Small Grants and Retro Funding' committee forms to help empower builders.

FOMO community-mints Noun
The 'FOMO Nouns' project (proposal 13) delivers the first community-minted Noun.

Nouns x Superbowl
Nouns glasses appeard in the BudLight commercial for Superbowl LVI.