Nounish subDAOs & Coummunities
A summary of all subDAOs in the NounsDAO Ecosystem. Find out what each subDAOs is about, how to join them, and where to get started building in subDAOs. Click the button below to add a Nounish subDAOs not yet on this page.

Lil Nouns DAO is a Nounish subDAO of 1 Lil Noun, every 15 minutes, forever! They have a similar auction style, DAO governance, and pixel art to Nouns DAO. But with a significantly shorter cadence (15 minutes), Lil Nouns aims to make the experience of owning Nouns more accessible to web3 beginners. So far, Lil Nouns DAO has amassed the most amount of ETH from auctions (close to 2000 ETH), making it the most successful subDAO, at least in terms of ETH.
How To Join:
Buy your first Lil Noun at their website today! Join their Discord and get in touch with the Lil Nouns community.
- founded
- 2022
- highestSale
- Ξ 4.41

Gnars DAO is a Nounish subDAO of One Gnar, less often, forever. In this sense, Gnars DAO is one of the only subDAOs with a changing cadence. Now at a 10 minute auction length per Gnar, this will increase to 20, 40, and beyond in the future. Gnars' mission is to support aspiring CC0 artists and extreme sports athletes in their respective journeys. There are few other subDAOs with such a targeted vision. So far, Gnars DAO has funded several athletes, including the likes of Joe Atkinson, Dave Bachinsky, and Kevin Kowalski.
How To Join:
Buy your first Gnar at their website today! Join their Discord and get in touch with the Gnars community.
- founded
- 2022
- highestSale
- Ξ 1.08

Shark DAO is the first ever Nounish subDAO. Instead of auctioning derivatives of Nounish NFTs, SharkDAO raises capital through selling a governance token, SHARK. With this capital, SharkDAO has been able to accumulate 6 Nouns, very early on in the Nouns DAO experiment. At its inception, SharkDAO's aim was to acquire Nouns as a group and vote collectively on Nounish affairs. Since then, the subDAO has been experimenting on various solutions to support Nounish builders and benefit Nouns DAO.
How To Join:
Follow Shark DAO's onboarding guide to walkthrough the joining process! Join their Discord and get in touch with the Shark DAO community.
- founded
- 2021
- highestSale
- $0.012/SHARK

GOOP TROOP is a fully decentralized Nounish subDAO. With the founder long-gone from GOOP TROOP, and no roadmap previously established, the subDAO is now run by the community. GOOP TROOP consists of 10K Nounish derivative NFTs, not taking the auction format of Nouns. Nevertheless, GOOP TROOP has 2 Nouns to its name, and the community uses them as voting power, as well as to make proposals in Nouns DAO.
How To Join:
Buy your first G.O.O.P.(Goofy Oversized Optic Person) on their OpenSea page today! Join their Discord and get in touch with the GOOP TROOP community.
- founded
- 2021
- highestSale
- Ξ 3.33

FOODNOUNS is a Nounish subDAO of one FOODNOUN, every breakfast, lunch & dinner forever. As implied from its name, FOODNOUNS are Nouns derivatives with only “Food” traits. Moreover, the subDAO has a 6-hour cadence. Their mission is to fund Nounish proposals related to food production, F&B wellness and education, among others in the food industry. This subDAO also splits auction funds four-ways, to the treasury, Nouns DAO, FOODNOUNDERS, and Kitchen Nouncillors. FOODNOUNS is the first subDAO to adopt such a fund-allocation model. As FOODNOUNS is still relatively new, they have yet to pass any proposals.
How To Join:
Buy your first FOODNOUN at their website today! Join their Discord and get in touch with the FOODNOUNS community.
- founded
- 2022
- highestSale
- Ξ 0.35

SZNouns DAO is a Nounish subDAO of SZNouns, every day forever! They have a distinct round noggles ◐-◐¬ feature, and have a varied cadence depending on the time of year (seasonal).SZNouns DAO champions increased experimentation in governance, hoping to bring a suite of tools such as “Albums” to the Nouns ecosystem. So far, the team behind SZNouns (SZNS) has implemented NFT fractionalization solutions with other notable DAOs such as Divine DAO and Meebits DAO.
How To Join:
Buy your first SZNoun at their website today! Join their Discord and get in touch with the SZNouns community.
- founded
- 2022
- highestSale
- Ξ 1

nuNouns DAO is a Nounish subDAO of 1 nuNoun, every 180 minutes, forever. You may instantly recognize that nuNouns are all kids, which symbolizes the “inner child” in all of us. Aside from the art and cadence, everything else follows Nouns DAO. nuNouns DAO was launched by the founders of NounPunks and SuperBlox, which are earlier extensions of Nouns. nuNouns however, is their first subDAO. As nuNouns DAO is relatively new, they have yet to pass any proposals.
How To Join:
Buy your first nuNoun at their website today! Join their Discord and get in touch with the SZNouns community.
- founded
- 2022
- highestSale
- Ξ 0.69

The first fork of Nouns. Began with 5 auctions per day and reduced to 1 per day over time. Has a supply cap of 2000. Completely different art than Nouns - 19x19 pixel art with the common theme among each being the Wizard's Hat (Wizard's version of Noggles). The DAO owns 1 Noun and a variety of other NFTs. Wizard members are active in a variety of other nounish DAOs including Lil Nouns, Gnars, GOOP TROOP, etc.
How To Join:
Daily auction on their their website or purchase from secondary markets.- founded
- 2022
- highestSale
- Ξ 7.69